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Important notifications


★If there are too many people on the waiting list on the right side, the commission will be stopped for short period.

★Works will take a day for the shortest and a month for the maximum. Illustrations would take little longer if there are other commissions held together.

★All the prices on the menu page is negotiable. Please contact for more informations.

★The copyright of all the works belongs to author,  Jee Hyun Yun.


Check!! :

Please do not give your nickname, but give me your real name with contactable e-mails and contents. Otherwise it would not be considered as a commision request.

Message successfully sent! Thank you ㅁ

Waiting list

Daniel Lim

Q & A

Do you get an order from different countries?

Unfortunately, the commission is only opened to U.S.A. and Korean customers. During the summer my major field of commission would be in Korea, but other than that, 8 months of the year the commission would be mainly in America. Tumblers and Mugs are only available in the summer because the process goes through the company in Korea and I will bring them back in America on september the latest to ship them to you. Other stuffs can be ordered any time of the year if the commission is not closed.


When do you usually reply to the e-mail?

I am trying to check my e-mails as fast as I can, and frequently, but the best way to get in touch with me is through my twitter or a blog. Even a Kakao-talk message would work, if you already have downloaded an app on your phone. My ID is 'jee6' and I will be on Kakao talk most of the day, so it is most likely to get the fastest reply.


How long does it usually take to work?

I am not a slow-worker, but I work for a long time at once, for aproximately 8 to 10 hours at a time. So if it is simple and not that time-consuming work it would take a day for minimum and a week for maximum. However, I am still in college right now so the works really depends on my projects and assignments. That is why I stated that it would take a month for the maximum, in case of my projects and slumps distract me from keeping the promise with you. It might take long, but I never give up.


Do I pay first before you start working?

Well first, I will read through your e-mail and will see if I can do your honorable request. Then I will do the rough sketches, probably some messy line-drawings or even some bald figures to just show the gestures or movements. And after that, I will send you the sketches and will see if any of them fits what you have requested. And when you decide, the payment would be processed and confirmed. After the payment gets approved, I will start to outline and process the rough sketches.


Can you fix the image or edit during the work?

You can try to edit or add more stuff it it is on rough-sketch and possibly outline level. However, as more complicated the drawing goes, it gets harder and harder to fix them. So if not necessary, I would say it is really hard to fix the image if it is on its coloring level.


How many commissions do you get at once?

I am not limiting the number of the people or works by rules or chart, but as I mentioned before, because I am a student, the works that I can do depends a lot on my projects and school schedules. So the available spaces for commissions can change dramatically. However, if you follow me on twitter or contact me and ask me when I will start the next commission, I can contact you when I am opening my commission next time.


Can I use the image for my work or websites?

Every images produced from this commission page is not allowed to edit for personal or profitial purposes. All rights are reserved to the author Jee Hyun Yun, (studio POK) and will be marked on the image as so. However it is always welcome to use them as your heather images and profile pictures.

※ The only exceptions will be through the company or commercial commissions. Contact for details.

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